Os dejamos aquí un documento que nos ayudará a seguir la secuencia de juego. Lo sentimos está en inglés pero lo que no te podías imaginar, es que a parte de aprender disfrutando del propio sistema, pasarlo bien en las partidas, te ayudará a refrescar tu inglés!!!
El documento contiene todo lo que se puede hacer durante 1 turno de uno de los bandos. Recordad que 1 turno completo se compone de ida y vuelta. y estos son los puntos generales a modo de resumen antes de que te metas en todos sus entresijos. Esperamos que os ayude tanto como a nosotros!!!!
Algunos apuntes que ayudarán a aclarar un poco la terminología de los nuevos reclutas.
Casi lo mejor es no traducirlo porque en realidad durante esta primera parte del turno, lo que haces es recomponer cosas y unidades, recojer armas rotas, intentar arreglarlas.... y un largo etc....
El atacante puede disparar. Seguro que estabas deseando entrar en acción!!!! pero como nos dijo el Capitán Javier, "pensad antes de disparar que esto es muy largo".
Creo que intuís de que va esto, pero creedme "¡Divide et impera!". Y cuidado que aquí hay fuego de los que defienden tu avance!
Y ahora completan los defensores sus fuego.
Les toca disparar a los que atacan!
A retirar unidades dañadas a lugares mas seguros.
Poco te puedo decir, solo que tengas mucha suerte porque esto es duro de verdad...
Aunque no es una fase del juego propiamente dicha, por favor que no se te olvide que ahora toca bien dentro del mismo turno el papel del defensor que pasa a ser atacante o si ya hemos jugado los dos la ida y vuelta (atacante / defensor) avanzar al turno siguiente.
Tampoco una fase del juego pero sí unos útiles apuntes sobre estas fundamentales ayudas.
¡¡¡¡Y ahora a por ello!!!!!
Green MMC not stacked with a GO -Good Order- Leader
and Conscript MMC
▪3 MF; B#/X# ‒1; cover two columns, +1 ambush drm
Special DR
▪⚀⚀ MMC Lone Self-Rally ➔
Rally/Field Promotion (5.3)
▪⚀⚀ MMC CC ➔ ELIM (all)/Field Promotion
▪Doubles on non-Leader directed IFT DR ➔ Cower. Shift one (E/1/2/G) or two (Con/Inx) columns
▪Rolling exact
Morale during MC ➔ Pin Unit. MC
> Morale + ELR ➔ replaced
by Poorer-Quality Unit (5.1, see Nationality Chart). MMC with an underlined
Morale is not subject to ELR.
▪⚅⚅ Morale Check ➔ K if GO or KIA if Broken;
▪⚅⚅ Rally ➔ K (Casualty Reduction).
▪IFT DR (red die) ≤ ROF# ➔ maintain
▪IFT DR ≥ B#/X# ➔
▪Stacking limit
MMC 3 Squad or equivalent + 4 SMC
▪Casualty Reduction:
Full squad ➔ half squad (see Rulebook p. 12 por details)
Half squad ➔
Leader ➔ rollfor wound 1-4 wounded / 5-6 eliminated-
Wounded MPF =3, morale leadership modifiers degraded by 1, subsequent potential
wound make wound check roll at -1 penalty.
each of their GO Units (CX/PIN okay) undertake one action only per RPh (GO SMC
may rally other Broken Units in addition to one action).
a. Attacker rolls for provisional (SSR Scenario
Special Rules) reinforcements and
set up offboard units entering this turn.
b. GO units may attempt to Recover unpossessed SW (Support Weapon) in same hex: dr ≤ 5 (+1 if exhausted CX)
c. GO units may attempt to Repair possessed broken SW own nationality only dr ≤ repair number R#. If dr = 6 eliminate
d. GO units in the same location may freely Transfer possessed SW
e. Self-rally
· Units with boxed morale may self-rally.
Attacker first; Defender thereafter.
· Attacker (ONLY) may self-rally one additional MMC (regardless of boxed morale
or not)
· Any unit attempting to self-rally also
suffers a + 1 DRM, including leader
· Broken Leaders may attempt to self-rally not
apply his leadership modifier
f. Unit Rally by leaders.
· Broken Units stacked with GO Leaders may
attempt to Rally
Rally: D12 + DRMs:
Self-rally +1
DM +4
Woods/buildings -1
leadership modifier #
unmodified 12 rolled
unit suffers casualty reduction
unmodified 2 rolled
unit gains field promotion - see 5.3 and Leader Creation table
Morale passed
Morale failed
Remove all DM markers,
both players (Units adjacent to Know
enemy unit –KEU- remain DMed). Broken Units may opt to keep DM, unless in woods
or building.
Attacker Units and
SW may fire. Line Of Sight (LOS; 3.2.1)
A Unit thought to have an unobstructed LOS (no
reasonable doubt of crossing a building, hill or woods depiction) to an Enemy
Unit may fire. LOS may only be checked after a fire attack has been declared.
LOS challenged and/or verified to be Blocked yields a “N/E” result
(check B#/X#).
Any combination of intervening (grain) or inherent
(orchard, smoke) Hindrance ≥6
blocks LOS (including inherent hexsides).
+1 Hindrance DRM while firing out of smoke.
Fire Attacks (3.2.2)
Place PREP FIRE markers
on firing Units.
Fire Attack Modifiers (MMC/MG -Machine Gun-): Point
Blank Fire (PBF) x2 FP; Long Range ½ FP (FT).
IFT DRM: Leadership; +X Terrain Effects Modifier
(TEM); +X Hindrance (intervening).
Doubles (non-leader directed) Cowers (shift one or two columns left –Inexperienced units- on IFT)
Attacker non-PREP FIRE GO Units not locked in Melee may move.
Remove CX markers
as Units start their move (cannot Double Time this MPh).
Units without CX markers
may Double Time (announce; place CX marker).
Exhausted Units gain +1 to attack DR/any
SMC=6MF, MMC=4MF (3 Conscript [C] o Green [G]), +2 CX,
+2 for MMC/SMC stack. Complete move along Roads hexes +1MF
Recover Support Weapons
Expend 1 MF; dr
≤ 5 for success; CX +1 drm;
one chance per Unit per MPh; D1F (defensive first Phase), S1F (subsequence
first fire phase) and FPF (Final Protective
Smoke Grenades
Units with a FP exponent may attempt to place Smoke
(announce; expend 1 MF for same hex; expend 2 MF for adjacent hex; dr ≤ exponent for success (6 ends Unit's MPh); one chance per Unit
per MPh; D1F (defensive first Phase), S1F (subsequence first fire phase) and
FPF (Final
Protective Fire). +1 CX. +2DRM/hex
Assault Movement
Movement only to one adjacent hex that does not
exhaust unit’ MFs (cannot use all MF). Negates the First Fire Non Assault
Movement (FFNAM) penalty.
By utilizing Double Time a unit acquires 2 extra
MFs. CX marker
must be placed over unit.
+1 DRM
attacking and +1 drm an any other.
IPC by -1
Units may not Double Time two turns in a row.
Units may carry SW: MMC have 3PP, SMC have 1PP
one Good Order leader may add his 1PP to the 3PP of an
MMC if they move as stack
SW cost 1MF for each IPC over the carrying unit's PP
SMCs can never carry more than 2PP
Cannot carry SW if they have already portaged this MPh
If may drops possession of SW prior to expending MF
and move
Dropped SW are left unattended and must be subsequently
Defensive First Fire (3.3.1) (D1F)
Defender may fire on moving attacker units (only). Every MF expended by
an attacker during MFh subjects the expending unit to a potential attack form
every eligible defending units.
Be sure to chech for First Fire Non Assault Movement FFNAM ad First
Fiere Movement in Open Ground FFMO adjustments.
Leave Residual FP counter in hex. Equal ½ the total FP of attacking
unit(s). Residual FP markers do not accumulate; but stronger subsequent Residual FP markers replace earlier Residual FP.
A unit subject to Residual FP takes only one attack from Residual FP per hex unless:
- additional MPFs are expended in that same hex and
A unit subject to Residual FP takes only one attack from Residual FP per hex unless:
- additional MPFs are expended in that same hex and
unit’s subsequent actions subjet it to a different DRM
Doubles (non-leader directed) Cowers (shift one or two
columns left –Inexperienced units- on IFT)
FDF First Defensive Fire
Defender may fire on Units expending MF (FFNAM and
FFMO). Place FIRST FIRE marker on firing
Unit (Weapons maintaining ROF during D1F are not marked). Place RESIDUAL FP marker as needed (½ FP; shifts:
positive Leadership, CX and Hindrance).
ROF the SWs that have not exhausted ther Rate of Fire
if the colored die roll in a fire attack DR
≤ SW’s ROF, the SW may fire again.
during D1F places a FINAL FIRE marker.
Subsequent First Fire (S1F):
Defender may fire with units already marked with a FIRST FIRE. Target can only be moving
units within normal range, where there is no closer target.
Range of targeted unit is equal to or closer than neareast enemy unit in LOS.
Units may fire on Units expending MF (FFNAM and FFMO;
no closer KEU; in normal range only; ½
FP; break number B# ‒2 ; original B# ➔ X#; no ROF).
Flip marker on firing Unit/SW to FINAL FIRE.
Place RESIDUAL FP marker as needed.
Final Protective Fire
Defender may fire units marked with a FINAL FIRE marker. Target can only be at units that move adjacent to defender. Fire
at ½ FP, x2 double FP for PBF, B#
‒2, original B# ➔
X#, Defender uses IFT DR as result for NMC. Place RESIDUAL FP marker as needed.
Remove all
Defender may fire any unfired units and SW at
full FP not marked with FIRST FIRE/FINAL FIRE.
Mark with Final Fire.
FFMO/FFNAM. MG with ROF may use ROF.
Defender may also fire any units marked with FIRST FIRE at adjacent enemies, Final Defensive
Fire (FDF) (½ FP;
PBF; B# ‒2; original B# ➔ X#). Place FINAL FIRE markers on firing Units No
Remove all FIRST FIRE and FINAL
FIRE markers.
Attacker may fire units and SW not marked
with PREP FIRE markers at ½ FP,
Squads may Assault Fire (underlined FP) at normal range only; +1 after all modifications; fractions rounded up
HMG/MMGs that moved may not fire. (LMG
MGs cannot
use ROF. Place PREP FIRE markers
on firing Units
Remove all
PREP FIRE markers.
Check for DM.
DM markers on Broken Units adjacent to or in
the same location as a GO KEU (CX/PIN okay) and on Broken Units subject to Interdiction.
Mark affected units with a DM counter.
Broken DM Units
adjacent to/same location as a GO KEU or subject to Interdiction must rout.
DM Units not forced to rout may rout (in building/woods
Non-PIN GO Leaders may rout with Broken DM Units they're stacked with.
Units use 6 MFs to rout. Wounded
leaders have 3 MFs.
drop SW beyond their IPC before routing.
Routing Unit must move to the nearest (in MF) building or woods. It may ignore
that destination if the distance from all KEU would not increase.
on reaching their destination, Routing Units may continue into adjacent
buildings or woods.
While routing, Units cannot move adjacent to or decrease
their distance to any KEU ‒they must maintain or increase the distance at all
to rout at least one hex eliminates a Unit.
Broken units not in MELEE
under DM must rout away or be eliminated.
one Interdiction NMC each time Routing Units enter Open Ground in normal range and Hindrance-free LOS of
non-CX, non-PIN GO
KEU or in MELEE capable of firing at least 1 FP
at that hex.
- Routing Units that fail their Interdiction NMC suffers
a Casualty Reduction (eliminate assisting Leader). Any remaining HS may
continue to rout.
- Routing Units pinned by way of Interdiction NMC immediately
end their rout
Only one interdiction
check is made per hex, regardless of how many KEUs are nearby.
Movement Low Crawl
Routing Units may instead
Low Crawl into an adjacent Open Ground hex by using all of their MF to avoid an
Interdiction NMC.
Non-PIN GO Infantry Units (CX okay)
in the same location may freely Transfer possessed SW.
Non-PIN GO Infantry Units (CX okay)
may advance into an adjacent hex, even if that hex is enemy-occupied.
using all their MF (check IPC and PP) to advance become exhausted (place CX markers). CX Units
cannot advance if it would require all their MF (check IPC and PP).
Place CC markers on stacks where Units advanced into
enemy-occupied hexes
Both players
resolve Close Combat between Enemy Units in the same hex (no SW; no Terrain
Effect Modifiers (TEMs) applicable; PBF unapplicable; the Attacker chooses the
order of CC hex resolution).
All Units defend at full FP (+/‒X for Leadership). PIN Units attack at ½ FP. Broken Units cannot attack (‒2 DRM during defense).
SMC have 1FP. SMC that attack alone defend alone
(cannot self-apply Leadership for DRM).
locked in Melee cannot leave that location, make fire attacks, interdict
Routing Units, etc.
Ambush: Check for
Ambush if Infantry advance into CC in building or woods. Ambush¹ = dr¹ ≤ dr² ‒3
(Players ¹ and ²; Ambush drm: +1 for CX/Inx/PIN; +/‒X for Leadership). Exception if reinforcing a
Ambushing Units resolve their
attacks first. Otherwise, CC attacks resolve simultaneously.
Combat between units in
the same hex. Attacker specifies the order in which CC are to
be resolved.
Units may attack and be attacked only once per CCPh. Attacker declares all attacks first then the
of CC
Calculate ratio of attacking units’ FP to defending
unit’ FP; apply modifiers as per CCT.
If DR < kill number, ALL attacked units are
If DR = kill number, casualty reduction of one random
attacked unit.
Original DR
of 2 = Possible leader creation
Remove all PIN markers.
all CC markers to MELEE for continuation.
Reverse the role of
Attacker and Defender.
Advance turn marker if
A GO infantry unit may
claim possession of an unpossessed SW at the start of the RPh as its only
action during the RPh.
dr≤5 ; 1 penalty if unit is CX
Moving infantry may
claim possession of an unpossessed SW during MPh
dr≤5 ; 1 penalty if unit is CX; 1
A unit that routes must
drop SWs in excess of its initial IPC before routing and may only carry 3
Portage Points PPs of SWs during route.
▪ MMC IPC = 3PP; SMC IPC = 1PP; Infantry lose 1 MF for
each SW PP in excess of their IPC.
▪ SW possessed by KIA Units: dr on same IFT column
(K/#: Breakdown; #KIA: Eliminate).
▪ Captured SW: ROF# ‒1; B#/X# ‒2.
▪ Inexperienced MMC B# repairable X# unrepairable -1.
▪ Squads firing two SW or Half Squads firing one SW
forfeit their IFP (S1F, FPF and FDF okay).
▪ SW may be voluntarily destroyed by their possessing
unit during PFPh or DFPh.
▪ A SW may be freely dropped.
Machine Guns (MG, 4.1)
▪ A SMC fires one MG at ½ FP; 2 SMC at full FP; Max
range w/o Leader 16 hexes (½ FP beyond).
▪ A MG with no B# shown has inherent B# of 12.
▪ If a squad is going to fire its own FP and MG at the
same target during the same phase, they must act as a FG.
If the original IFT DR of a MG attack is ≥ B#, MG malfunctions, flip over
counter. B# of MG using SFF or First Fire when already marked by First Fire
counter is -2. MG destroyed if IFT is ≥ original B#.
Flamethrowers (FT, 4.2)
▪ FT may not participate in FG; PIN Units cannot fire FT; FP not halved during APPh;
are subject to Cowering.
▪ FT ignore DRM for Leadership and TEM; apply DRM for CX Units and Hindrance.
▪ FT FP isn't doubled for PBF or halved for AFPh; a
full squad may fire a FT plus its own IFP.
▪ Attacks vs. Units possessing FT: IFT ‒1 DRM; Non-Elite
MMC firing FT: X# ‒2.
▪ FT cannot be repaired; FTs are eliminated if their
attack DR ≥X#.
Demolition Charges (DC, 4.3)
▪ DC placed by non-PIN GO
MMC during MPh (no prep fired no pinned and no broken), expend MF as if
entering adjacent target hex; must survive D1F, S1F and FPF. DC only operably
placed if units survives, must also remain unbroken and unpinned. Successfully placed
DC detonates at the start of the AFPh.
▪ 30 FP IFT attack. DC IFT DRM: +1 for CX Units, +X for any TEM; Leadership
▪ DC FP isn't doubled for PBF nor halved for AFPh;
Non-Elite MMC using DC: X# ‒2.
▪ A squad may not use two DCs, but a squad may still
make a separate attack with its own FP in AFPh.
ASLSK 3.2.3
Fire Effects
1. #KIA
# = number of eliminated targets
(randomly determined)
All remaining ‘Broken’ targets: Casualty Reduction
HS, Crew: eliminated
Squad: HS
SMC: wounded
Wounded SMC: Wound severity dr
dr 1-4: light wound (Wound counter)
dr 5-6: SMC eliminated
All remaining ‘Unbroken’ targets: Broken / DM
2. K/#
1 unit (randomly determined): Casualty Reduction / DM
Crew: eliminated
Wounded SMC: Wound severity dr
dr 1-4: light wound (Wound counter)
dr 5-6: SMC eliminated
All targets inside
hex: #MC: Morale Check DR
+ #
3. NMC (MC DR; each unit, best
leader first)
#MC (MC DR + #; each unit, best
leader first)
Broken unit fails (DR
> unit’s morale level): Casualty
Broken unit rolls
original 12: Eliminated
Unbroken unit fails (#) MC
by more than its morale level + ELR, might be replaced by lesser quality unit
(see ASLSK2 5.1)
Unbroken unit fails (DR
> unit’s morale level): Broken
/ DM
Unbroken unit rolls
original 12: Casualty Reduction,
Broken, DM
Unit passes (#) MC with (MC
modified = Morale): Pinned
4. LLTC (Leader Loss Task Check)
Leader has been broken (1. or
2. or 3.):
‘Good Order’ units with lower current morale stacked with him -> PTC after resolving
initial attack.
leadership DM added
to DR
rather than subtracted.
5. LLMC (Leader Loss Morale
Leader has been eliminated (1. or
2. or 3.):
units with lower current morale stacked with him and not in CC -> NMC after
resolving initial attack.
leadership DM added
to DR
rather than subtracted.
6. PTC
All target units (DR > unit’s morale level): Pinned
ResponderEliminarEl documento contiene todo lo que se puede hacer durante 1 turno de uno de los bandos. Recordad que 1 turno completo se compone de ida y vuelta. y estos son los puntos generales a modo de resumen antes de que te metas en todos sus entresijos. Esperamos que os ayude tanto como a nosotros.